California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires State Parks to conduct a thorough analysis of the potential physical  environmental impacts of implementing the Delta Meadows Classification and General Plan to inform decision makers and the public where significant impacts would be, and methods to reduce those impacts to the extent feasible.

State Parks will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which will include an analysis of each of the CEQA Guidelines Appendix G, Environmental Checklist, topic areas as appropriate. The EIR will also include identification of baseline conditions; thresholds of significance; range of reasonable alternatives; cumulative impact analysis; growth-related impact discussion; description of significant effects of the proposed project on the environment; and mitigation measures proposed to avoid, minimize, rectify, reduce, eliminate, or compensate for any identified significant impacts. This programmatic EIR will be used to evaluate the impacts of the Delta Meadows Classification and General Plan; future individual development projects would still need to complete project-specific CEQA reviews if necessary.

Notice of Preparation (includes scoping meeting information)